
Stress Awareness – Try our Fade meditation

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme of stress, we share our most popular sleep meditation.


Stress and Sleep

If we’ve had a stressful day, it can be a very common experience that come the night-time, we struggle to fall asleep. The reason for this is that our mind is full of thoughts, running through everything that happened and everything that might still happen and if good sleep requires anything, it’s a quiet mind. It’s therefore perhaps no accident that one of our most popular meditations on all of buddhify is this classic from the Going to Sleep category, called Fade.

Introducing Fade

The idea behind Fade is quite simple. Given that we want our mind to be quiet, the meditation takes us through a progress process of quietening down our various senses in turn, so that come the end there will be much less mental noise. It starts with the act of closing your eyes and thus fading out sight and finishes with turning to the mind itself and fading out thoughts. It’s a simple process but incredible powerful, so why not give it a go?

Listen to Fade

Fade is a just one of two hundred meditations available in buddhify and can be found in the category of Going to Sleep. Buddhify is the only meditation app designed to fit into a busy modern lifestyle. Known for its beauty and incredible value for money, it is loved and used around the world.

ALSO TAGGED StressAwareness: