
Opinion / Ideas

The Missing Middle of Modern Meditation (and how to fill it)

App Guide / Membership

How do I become a Member?

Follow these simple steps to get started with buddhify Membership

App Guide / Ideas / Membership / Together

Why Together Matters

Rohan shares the reasons why Together, available for buddhify Members, is so important

Membership / Formal / App Guide / Ideas

Why Formal Matters

Rohan shares the four reasons why Formal, available for buddhify Members, is important

App Guide / Ideas / Membership / Transmission

Why Transmission Matters

Rohan shares the five reasons why Transmission is an important development for mindfulness apps

Ideas / Team

The Future of Mindfulness Apps (and how to get there)

Rohan on the evolution of mindfulness products and what the next generation of apps will look like.

Stories / Parenting

Adventures of a Mindful Dad (5 months in)

Rohan shares how he’s had to learn new ways to meditate when first becoming a father.


Stress awareness – Try our Zap meditation

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme of stress, we share our most popular walking meditation.


Stress Awareness – Try our Fade meditation

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme of stress, we share our most popular sleep meditation.


Stress Awareness – Try our Manage meditation

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme of stress, learn a simple way to soften the experience of stress right in the heat of the moment.